The Mindmapping Site – Learn How to Learn

Mind maps are simple diagrams used to visually represent and conceptualize practically anything: there are mind maps for writing, problem-solving, learning, grammar, or boosting creativity, just take your pick.A photo of a road leading to the brain

Moreover, if you find your presentation for next week’s business meeting rather boring, using a mind mapping template can help liven it up a bit. And don’t worry about your PPT becoming too unorthodox because of that; the long history of mind mapping began with ancient philosophers, continued through Renaissance and survived to this day, which is in itself a rather strong testament to both its tradition and its usefulness.

If you have some imagination and are at least a tiny bit creative, mind mapping practice can help you improve your skills in both the specific subject that you’re exploring through it, as well as boost your creative thinking in general.

But this site is not here to only publish dull articles about mind mapping concepts. We’re deep in 21st century. It’s not the age of Aquarius any more, it’s the age of the Internet, and software (as a service) with it. This is why we’ve compiled a (updated and improved) list of mind mapping software, and will try writing a review of every single entry on that list in the near future. If you notice something is missing, please be kind to let us know about it!